The Intuitive Therapy Program

Stop justifying your secret suffering! Get the life of your dreams easier!

Work Less For Your Happiness, relationships, and success in just 12 -weeks

Give yourself the ease you’ve been craving. My method of combining energy work and psychotherapy makes happiness, energy, and peace of mind easier to achieve and maintain

The Intuitive Therapy program is one of the most powerful and effective ways to achieve your goals. Increase your energy, ability to show up, and be present in your relationships without sacrificing yourself. Get out of those painful burn-out loops that keep you from actually having your dream life and have you convinced that “this is just what success looks like”. 

The Intuitive Therapy Program works because it doesn’t just target your thoughts - it reveals the root cause by connecting with the energy of your problems and creating an action plan based on the root problem NOT the symptoms. Integrating energetic work allows us to move and clear energy so you create the outcomes quicker and more effectively. 

No more thinking this is “just how life is” or that frustrating habits are a part of your personality.

What is The Intuitive Therapy Program?

Embark on a journey to a brighter, more joyful life with this 12-week program! By combining psychotherapy modalities and energy work you can say goodbye to anxiety that controls your life, and depressive moods that cause you to feel stuck and check out as you rediscover trust in yourself and find peace, joy, and excitement for life that is sustainable. Transform your relationships and overall happiness as you confidently build connections and no longer feel like the black sheep —get ready to wave goodbye to panic attacks and anxiousness, and say hello to a life where happiness isn’t so hard!


Sam, 39

“I was referred to Annamarie by a friend. I didn’t even know what was wrong or that anything was wrong with me. I had been talking to my friend about how I have all the things in life I want but I still feel uneasy and sometimes down. I was always exhausted, and I couldn’t figure out what made me feel this way. I felt like I couldn’t be there for my kids and my husband and sometimes felt obsessed with the success of my business. She told me to go and talk to Annamarie and during our first call I was blown away! I had no idea that the dynamic in my childhood home and my mom’s responses to things were the things causing this pain or that these things influenced me at all! My childhood was good, and I have a great relationship with my parents, so I never thought anything from the past would be playing a role. I thought the problem was just me and who I was because it has always been this way. That the problems I found myself in were part of my personality. My relationships are so different now. I am able to step away from work. I have actually grown my business without sacrificing my family time since working with her. I didn’t realize I was even missing out on this or that and how I didn’t have to exist that way. I am filled with energy every day and feel physically lighter. Thank you! I am brought to tears with gratitude because now I finally am creating the relationship I’ve always wanted with my kids. If you are a busy mom who is sometimes a workaholic, YOU NEED THIS! You will be shocked at what is holding you back. ”

Lilly, 61

“ I didn’t want to work with Annamarie at first but my friend strongly recommended her. She was much younger than me and seemed to have a completely opposite personality than myself. But something drew me in and after our second call I knew it would be different. I have been in therapy for over 4 decades with no relief. My anxiety consumed everything in my life and I didn’t see a way out which made me depressed and pretty lifeless. I couldn’t believe how different I felt and what we discovered only a month into it! Things I thought I had let go of that were actually causing me all these problems. I am so grateful for Annamarie! She is truly a gift. My anxiety was a disease destroying me from the inside out and this treatment changed everything. I feel alive for the first time in decades and I intend to stay this way! I started traveling! Opened a business! And moved in my boyfriend! Every part of my life has been touched by the work we did together!”

Michelle, 24

“ It’s honestly crazy how much progress I made in a short time. It’s like she knew exactly what I needed to start living my life again. I didn’t think I would be able to date, go in large groups, or live alone ever again. It’s been months since we finished working together and I am still panic attack free and happily living on my own. And as someone who travels frequently, not having to be in therapy constantly to get the results I wanted is so freeing.”

Alana, 35

“I have never experienced anything like this. It was like she has known me since I was a child. I normally struggle with therapy. The way Annamarie approached every level of our time together was amazing. I couldn’t believe the results and it was the first time I ever felt different after sessions. My kids and now husband noticed a difference after 2 sessions! She changed my life and my family and I are so thankful for her!”

Rachel, 26

“I was referred to Annamarie and it was the best thing that has happened to me! After my dad died, I just stopped living. It was like something inside me died with him. I couldn’t get out of bed; I wasn’t interested in anything and being around people felt like too much. I had tried multiple therapists, and nobody seemed to get me. Annamarie’s coaching was so incredibly healing for me. I swear after the first session I felt completely different, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I didn’t really believe in all that energy stuff before we started working together and was a little hesitant when she first introduced it. After one healing session I was a completely different person! There’s so much I could say - this is more than worth any investment. I was able to get more down in a quarter then therapy had done in 2 years. I am a 1L student now and rediscovered my desire for life!”

Jennifer, 31

“ I started working with Annamarie because a friend referred me. I have struggled with lashing out at others and pretty bad anxiety. I have been in and out of therapy since I was little and made some progress but I thought that this was the best I could get. I still struggled and I was so frustrated with feeling like this and the constant up and downs. I felt like no matter what I did relationships never felt safe. I had a pretty traumatic childhood, and I did my best to move on and thought it was pretty taken care of. But after one session with Annamarie, I couldn’t believe how things from growing up were basically controlling everything. After a month I felt like a new person. I wasn’t walking around reacting to everything. I was more patient with my partner and my family. I was finally able to start having fun again. I felt more confident in who I was, and I even got a promotion! I have worked with many coaches before, but I have never experienced something so relieving, empowering, and just pure magic. I Will be back!”

What Value Does the Intuitive Therapy Program give?

  • Comprehensive Approach: Combines energetic healing, intuitive strategies, psychotherapy, and somatic exercises for holistic healing.

  • Transformative Results: Experience significant changes in just 6-12 sessions, including stopping panic attacks, self-loathing and improving relationships.

  • Professional Expertise: Led by a licensed therapist (LMSW) with training in CBT, EMDR, DBT, and Psychoanalytical therapy and professional and certified intuitive.

  • Personalized Attention: 1:1 sessions ensure tailored interventions to address each of your unique needs and goals.

  • Lifetime Benefits: Equips you with tools for lifelong mental health management and personal growth.

  • Time and Cost Savings: Saves you years of therapy by delivering results 6 - 12 sessions.

  • Emotional Freedom: start trusting yourself and enjoy life without feeling at war with yourself or settling for a life where you feel “broken” oir “unfixable”

  • Improved Relationships: Empowers you to build strong, confident connections with family and others (goodbye black sheep identify and feeling uneasy in your relationships)

  • Confidence and Presence: Enhances confidence and presence, reducing feelings of being the black sheep of the family, stuck, unhappy with life

  • Long-term Happiness: Promotes long-term happiness and fulfillment by addressing root causes of mental health issues.

  • Make life SO MUCH EASIER!


Leave behind panic attacks, breakdowns, and self-loathing.

Change the things you thought were “unfixable” and transform how your life looks and the ease of living.

Save time, energy, pain, AND money achieving your goals, loving life, and being happier in just 3 months!

What are you missing out on by staying where you are for another year?

What’s Included:

  • This set’s the stage. This will tell us everything we need to know to get to work how to specifically reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

  • These 60-75 minute weekly sessions are where we will achieve the most progress and growth.

    (12 sessions)

  • You receive up to 2 custom healings. These 30-minute healings that I will perform biweekly (outside of session) based on what we are working on in sessions. You will receive a voice note or email with the details of each healing.

  • You will receive support in between biweekly sessions via Voxer or Voice Note. Whether you need to vent, are struggling with integrating something, or made a realization you’ll have that support outside of your sessions.

  • Monthly Customized Breathwork Journeys tailored to your needs and goals.

    • Monthly Workbook to provide you with resources in between sessions and help you process and apply the skills we learn and release as things come up. Including Intuitive practices, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Strategies mixed with psychoanalytic and energy work practices.

    • Audio downloads of healings, meditations, and auditory exercises to assist in between sessions and address limiting beliefs and wounds stuck in your subconscious

    • All ITP Clients get access to two never before released workshops ($200 Value)

    1) My favorite and best strategies and practices for better mental health outcomes everyday. How to use grounding, energetic clearing & protecting to improve the mental health of you and your family/

    2) Home Energetics - how to create a safe space, and energetically supportive environment for better mental health outcomes for you and your family.

    • ITP Clients will have complimentary admission and access to ALL offered virtual group breathwork journeys for 3 months($444 value)

Investment: $3497

Or Monthly Payments of $315

Yes, You Have Options!

Pay In Full- $3497

Save $200 Dollars by paying in full AND receive a relationship clarity reading (get to the bottom of complicated and complex relationships and how to make them better).

Payment Plans -

Weekly - $75 | Monthly - $315

I want this to be available for people at all price ranges because I KNOW what it’s like to be on a budget. Payment options is 50 weekly payments of $75 or 12 monthly payments of $315

Intuitive Therapy

Intuitive Therapy

The mistakes most people make is thinking that they are stuck this way, DIYing their mental health or choosing the option that is cheaper. What they don’t take into account is how slow and ineffective that can be! And most people have to spend 2+ years in consistent therapy treatment with the right person in order to get the same results.

Worse the personal costs of settling with an ineffective route, how things are right now, or DIYing it….

  • That choosing those routes can cost missing out on beautiful moments with your loved ones only to recognize happiness in the past instead of in the moment. 

  • Being a mentally absent parent because you can’t focus on anything but work, the future or the past

  • Burning out again and having to choose between your health, your dreams, or being present with your loved ones

  • Living in a state of exhaustion and heaviness and fear of slowing down for another 1-3 years

  • Living in fear of when you will be triggered into an anxious state, short temper, burn out, or sadness

  • Being worried that once you leave therapy the progress will stop because it only focuses on treating the symptoms

  • Feeling lonely and unable to connect with others because of what it feels like to be in your body and you can’t seem to get out of your own mind

  • Spending at least $10,000-$15,000 and 2+years just trying to figure out the root problem and make a little bit of progress.

By joining Intuitive Therapy Program you are saving yourself from stuckness in your career, your relationships, and more! 

Investment: $3497

Or 12 Monthly Payments of $315

Why Your Life Can No Longer Wait For You To Invest In Yourself…

  • You’re missing out on enjoying and fully connecting with your kids, friends, and family

  • Your fear of failure, slowing down, and letting others down is keeping you from all the feel good ooey gooey success that you have been fantasizing about

  • Treating your symptoms keeps you in survival mode, exhausted, and burnt out from things that you actually enjoy and desire

  • You gotta know what is at the core of holding you back. Not knowing keeps you exhausted and makes everything harder.

  • The longer your past is controlling your future the more life you miss out on and the harder your body is working. Making it easier to get sick, struggle with sleep, and isolate.

  • When we neglect ourselves by settling with exhaustion, we end up losing more than just money. We lose and miss out on the things that make life worth living.

Hi there! My name is Annamarie Green and I am so excited that you’re here! I am a licensed clinical therapy (LMSW), Professional Intuitive, and mom on a mission to make life easier for you by combining psychology and energy work so you can reach your goals faster, more efficiently, and finally have and experience the life you want. I am a master at helping people create better lives and actually let themselves experience it.

A little while ago I discovered how powerful it was to start integrating energy and intuitive work with psychotherapy practice. I integrated it slowly and in small doses at first but the results were huge! I loved combining these two areas because to me they always made sense. But it wasn’t something a lot of people were doing. So, I’ve dug in and over the last 3 years I have increasingly seen the power and transformation that this process provides to people, and I am so excited to share it with you!

Originally, I offered this only to specific clients, but after hearing the need from more people, I created this program. Whether you're feeling stuck, frustrated, or overwhelmed, I provide direct solutions without any fluff. I understand the demands of a busy life and the impatience for results.

When I'm not working, I cherish moments with my daughter, enjoy baking, stay active, and spend time with loved ones. Let's make life easier, achieve your dreams, and focus on the present together.

I believe as a practitioner learning is life long - and there’s nothing I love more then learning new skills and strategies. My official credentials: Masters of Social Work from The University of Pittsburgh, Bachelors of Science in Social Work from Saint Francis University, Professional Intuitive certificate through The Soul Reading Method by Nikki Novo, and Medical Intuitive Certificate level I & II from Breath of Life Mystery Schools by Abigail White, RN.

Your Investment is backed by a Money Back Guarantee. If you don’t feel this is for you after our second session together get your money back!


  • Once you join you will get an email with a scheduling link! You can schedule all your sessions for the next 12 weeks or just 2 at a time.

  • Our sessions will be remote through zoom. You’ll get a unique session link once you schedule your session.

  • This is your time to integrate. This will be were you implement the processes we discussed and any in between homework you may have. The sessions are spaced like this so that the energy and healings have time to settle.

  • Nope - I actually do those at the end of the week and send you a voice note via text or email about what I found and if there are integration steps. This is something you will majorly when I do so I always check in.

  • I am pretty flexible and reserve specific times throughout the week for my coaching clients. Shoot me an email to let me know what your specific scheduling concerns and we will make this work for you.

Have Questions? Still Unsure?

Book a Discovery Call

Have a few questions? Want to see how it feels to be in my energy? Just want some more information in general about joing this 12 week adventure? Schedule a discovery call! I am excited to connect with you!



Wondering if this is for you? Questions about the program? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly!